Hi! I’m Shaurya.
I design websites that inspire users.

As an interactive media professional, I bring a unique blend of skills and a background rooted in my deep love for cinema. My journey is a creative odyssey where I strive to craft interactive experiences that are cinematic, dynamic, and brimming with emotions. Drawing from my cinematic passion, I aim to bring storytelling techniques, visual aesthetics, and the power of narrative arcs into the digital realm. My skills in design, technology, and user-centric thinking converge to create immersive journeys that not only engage but also evoke genuine emotions. I'm on a mission to transform the digital landscape into a canvas for cinematic adventures that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impact.

" Digital storyteller with a knack for deciphering what people really want.....”


Website Design / UX / UI

Branding / Identity

Wireframes / Prototyping

Figma / Sketch / Adobe CC / Webflow

Storyboarding / Video Editing

Interviews & Blogging

Creative Problem Solving / Client Communications

Things that bring me joy


Hiking / Nature

Reading Biographies / Watching interviews

Music / Live concerts

Photography (Nature & Landscape)